Sunday, November 15, 2020

Another View

 Not much of an update, but I sealed this guy and took a new pic with him vis-a-vis a Squat!

I have some more Orks in the works, but progress is slow lately. Hopefully it'll pick up in December!


PS: If you're interested in seeing more Squats, check them out here!

Friday, October 23, 2020

1st Ork Painted!

Okay, so, I have finished the first pass on the Ork from two weeks ago. There are still some aspects of him that I am not sold on--namely the eyes look off to me (I should have used a different color than the teeth). But nonetheless, here he is! I'll seal him soon and see how that changes the coloring.
Progress will likely continue to be slow and steady until December.

Saturday, October 10, 2020


Thus a month's progress... He don't 'ave an arm! Quick, call a Painboy! Also, he has no teeth painted yet. But anyways, this is my first color idea. I would love y'all's feedback as always!


Monday, September 14, 2020

Suprise aka "As You Can See, I Am Not Dead"

I made this blog 4 years ago to chronicle what I thought would be my first miniature project. Obviously, I never did get around to embarking on that endeavor. However, I have now improved my painting ability (from 0 to novice) and am currently working on historicals (after practicing on my LOTR Rohan minis). If you're at all interested in checking my historical Greeks and Persians, feel free to check them out here Anyway, I had my parents ship me a sprue of my 40K orks from home to school just so I could test out some color schemes for fun and take the occasional break from the difficultly-intricate Persians and Greeks. So, when I get these five guys painted up in the next few days or weeks, I'll be sure to put them up here and see what y'all think about my color ideas.